Through the Lock - CP25235
February 7, 2025In-personWillardMO
Through the lock forcible entry is one of the most overlooked and under-utilized forcible entry techniques. This technique is often thought to be too slow or too complex for many fireground applications. That is simply not true. This class is designed to teach the student a less…
Emergency Vehicle Driver Training - CP25258
February 15, 2025 - February 16, 2025In-personPrestonMO
The learning objective of this course is to reduce the risk of accidents involving responders and citizens by making sure new and existing emergency vehicle drivers develop safe and competent driving skills. This course incorporates the major elements of a comprehensive…
Fire Department Medical First Responder - CP25236
February 15, 2025 - March 1, 2025In-personNevadaMO
Fire Department Medical First Responder is a 32-hour program based on the U.S. Department of Transportation's First Responder: National Standard Curriculum. Topics include airway care and suctioning, patient assessment, bleeding control, stabilization of spinal and…
Electric Vehicle Safety for First Responders - CP25262
February 15, 2025In-personDrexelMO
The National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Electric Vehicle Safety Training Project is providing firefighters and first responders with the information and materials necessary to respond to emergency situations involving electric vehicles. This training will help…
Exterior Live Fire Skills - CP25237
February 22, 2025In-personDoe RunMO
This class utilizes classroom, demonstration, and hands-on skills training that enables students to safely and effectively attack common exterior fire situations. Topics include size-up, hose stream management, car fires, dumpster fires, gas cylinder and flammable liquid…
Shaping the Future - CP25117
February 24, 2025 - February 25, 2025In-personAntoniaMO
This course focuses on the skills and techniques that a mid-level manger needs to provide leadership and direction for his or her fire department. This course will have students focus on identifying opportunities, including methods to reframe problems accurately.…
Electric Vehicle Safety for First Responders - CP25260
February 27, 2025In-personWillardMO
The National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Electric Vehicle Safety Training Project is providing firefighters and first responders with the information and materials necessary to respond to emergency situations involving electric vehicles. This training will help…
Introduction to the Fire Service - CP25224
February 28, 2025 - March 16, 2025In-personLeadwoodMO
This introductory course for new fire service personnel acquaints participants with the basics of fireground duties. Discussions address fire service history, organization, fireground safety, and fire behavior. We will discuss and demonstrate basic hose practices, ground…
Vehicle Rescue: Operations - CR25135
February 28, 2025 - March 2, 2025In-personForsythMO
Today vehicle extrication is as much a part of the fire service as firefighting. This class deals with tools and techniques required to remove an entrapped victim from a vehicle accident. Emphasis is on proper use of powered and manual rescue tools and air bags, coordination with EMS personnel,…
Fire Response to Active Shooter Coordination and Support - CP25143
March 1, 2025In-personZalmaMO
This course is designed to enhance knowledge and practical skill application in aggressive trauma care management of casualties in mass casualty and active shooter events in a multi-disciplinary approach. The focus for this course is as a refresher to the above course or to departments who…
Through the Lock - CP25257
March 1, 2025In-personCarrolltonMO
Through the lock forcible entry is one of the most overlooked and under-utilized forcible entry techniques. This technique is often thought to be too slow or too complex for many fireground applications. That is simply not true. This class is designed to teach the student a less…
Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company Operations - CP25116
March 3, 2025 - March 4, 2025In-personAntoniaMO
This course is designed to develop the management skills needed by company officers to accomplish assigned tactics at structure fires. Topics include the purpose and use of the Communications Model and the Quick Access Prefire Plan (QAP), implementation of the Command…
Farm Machinery Rescue - CP25239
March 7, 2025 - March 8, 2025In-personFestusMO
Hours: 12 | Prerequisites: Yes | Students: 15–30 | Host requirements: Yes | CEU: Yes
This course starts with a quick review of Vehicle Rescue: Technician, specifically the types of…
Basic Pump Operations - CP25232
March 7, 2025 - March 9, 2025In-personWright CityMO
This course designed to meet portions of NFPA 1002, Fire Apparatus Driver Operator Professional Qualifications. Topics will focus on the various types of pumps used on fire apparatus including shifting mechanisms, primers, relief valves and controls. Pump safety and operations will be covered,…
Lost Person Search and Rescue - CP25240
March 14, 2025 - March 15, 2025In-personDoolittleMO
This course will assist first responders in appropriately organizing and managing a search and rescue response. Participants will build their skills in developing search strategies and resources. A brief overview of the aspects of the search operation; and the rescue…
Leadership in Supervision: Perspectives in Thinking - CP25174
March 15, 2025 - March 16, 2025In-personJacksonMO
This course provides the supervisor with the conceptual foundation and framework for success in leadership roles by exploring creative, analytical, political and critical thinking perspectives. The course addresses skills needed for assessing situations from multiple…
Vehicle Fire Fighting - CP25229
March 18, 2025 - March 22, 2025In-personMarshfieldMO
Funding provided by the Division of Fire Safety (DFS) and the Missouri Fire Safety Education / Advisory Commission. State Funding sources include the DFS General Revenue (GR) Fire Training Fund and Fire Education Fund.
the least…
Gasoline Tank Truck Specialist - CH25111
March 19, 2025In-personRepublicMO
This course prepares the student to deal with gasoline tank truck emergencies by providing both lecture and hands-on activities specifically oriented to dealing with one of the most common hazmat incidents encountered by emergency responders today. Students will learn…
Leadership in Supervision: Frameworks to Success - CP25242
March 20, 2025 - March 21, 2025In-personFergusonMO
This course provides the supervisor with the knowledge and skills to perform successfully in the fire and Emergency Medical Services environments. The course addresses professionalism, resilience, emotional intelligence, and situational awareness, as well as managing…
Handling LP Gas Emergencies - CH25110
March 29, 2025In-personCape GiradeauMO
LP gas is a potential hazard present in most communities and a complete understanding of its hazards is necessary to safely and efficiently handle such an incident. This class will present an overview of LP gas properties and characteristics, as well as provide the…
Basic Grain Engulfment Rescue - CR25136
April 5, 2025In-personFarmingtonMO
This class is designed to introduce participants to the hazards and issues associated with grain entrapment/engulfment emergencies and basic techniques to safely conduct initial rescue operations. The classroom portion of the training includes the types of grain handling…
Vehicle Rescue: Operations - CR25134
April 11, 2025 - April 13, 2025In-personPinevilleMO
Today vehicle extrication is as much a part of the fire service as firefighting. This class deals with tools and techniques required to remove an entrapped victim from a vehicle accident. Emphasis is on proper use of powered and manual rescue tools and air bags, coordination with EMS personnel,…
Elevator Operations - CP25164
April 12, 2025In-personSavannahMO
The Elevator Operations is an 8-hour day filled with classroom and hands-on training. This course brings awareness to the rescuer on how to safely handle elevator emergencies. Most elevator incidents are not true “Emergencies” but a mere inconvenience. This course will…
Fire Fighter I and II Live Fire Skills - CT25102
April 19, 2025In-personCape GirardeauMO
In order to meet certification requirements for NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, students must perform live fire skills in the presence of an approved evaluator. MU FRTI provides this opportunity through the use of mobile burn props that…
Introduction to the Fire Service - CP25182
April 25, 2025 - May 4, 2025In-personSedgewickvilleMO
This introductory course for new fire service personnel acquaints participants with the basics of fireground duties. Discussions address fire service history, organization, fireground safety, and fire behavior. We will discuss and demonstrate basic hose practices, ground…