
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- University of Missouri Extension continues a series of free programs known as "Neighboring 101." These are free classes that are taught live via zoom once a month during the noon hour.

You must register online at to access the live class and get videos from past classes.

"In these monthly zoom classes, we are looking at the neighboring issue by highlighting examples across the nation of where neighboring is being done well," said David Burton, community development specialist, University of Missouri Extension. "In the coming months, we will hear from nationally known authors and speakers."

Oct 21 – This session will include "Meeting Your Neighbors at Halloween" with Chris McKinney, author of "Placed for a Purpose." We will also learn more about the recent crowning of the "most neighborly city" in the United States and hear from you about impacts and lessons learned from National Good Neighbor Day.

Nov 18 -- Amber Allen, University of Missouri Extension Human Development Specialist, will present on "Rediscovering Hope" and how it can impact your neighborhood. We will also begin reading "Having Nothing, Possessing Everything" to be ready for our guests in December.

Dec 16 - Michael Mather, author of "Having Nothing, Possessing Everything," will be our live guest. Mike has spoken all over the nation about how he put asset-based community development to work in Indianapolis.

Jan 20 - Becky McCray, a nationally known community development specialist, will present "The Idea Friendly Method." This will be an interactive session and focused on taking action on your ideas for your community.

The program currently has over 400 people enrolled.

"Developing relationships with our neighbors may provide a solution to our national epidemic of loneliness and feelings of isolation and depression," said Burton. "Active neighboring also helps people, organizations, and communities expand the participation and breadth of voices while respecting differences and embracing the diversity that makes communities vibrant places to live, work, and play."

University of Missouri Extension is at the forefront of a national movement recognizing the importance of neighboring in community development. More about the impact of neighboring can be found online at or by contacting David Burton by email at or by telephone (417) 881-8909.



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