The Extension Master Gardener program provides in depth horticultural training to individuals throughout Missouri who then volunteer their time applying what they have learned to help others in their communities to learn about gardening and environmental education. Through activities such as extension hotlines or answer services, workshops, speaker’s bureaus, garden show booths and demonstration projects, Master Gardeners provide gardening information to thousands of Missourians each year.
To become trained as a Master Gardener, an individual must attend a 30 hour classroom Core Course training. Then the Master Gardener trainee is required to give 30 hours of volunteer service back to their community in approved University of Missouri Extension activities.
Master Gardener clubs in northeast Missouri
- Kirksville Area Master Gardeners
- The Kirksville Area Master Gardener Club meets the third Tuesday of the month at the Adair County Extension Center. From time to time the club may meet at someone's home or take a field trip. So, if you're interested in attending, please contact Jennifer Schutter, University of Missouri extension horticulture specialist, for current information. Some of our community service projects include planting and maintaining flower beds and other plantings at the Veteran’s Memorial, Brashear Park, other Kirksville parks, the Energy Trail, Adair County Public Library, and local churches. Other service provided by Master Gardeners includes assisting with the Garden ’n Grow youth garden program; assisting elderly friends and neighbors with their yard and gardens; assisting with garden programs at Kirksville nursing homes; folding and stuffing the horticulture newsletter; consultations and providing gardening advice.
- Fabius River Master Gardeners
- Heartland Master Gardeners
- Clark County Master Gardeners/Garden Club
- Salt River Master Gardeners
- Macon-Shelby Master Gardeners
- Pike County Master Gardeners
- Sullivan County Master Gardeners
- Magic City Master Gardeners (Moberly)

Get in-depth horticultural training and join the Master Gardeners in “helping others learn to grow.”

Missouri Master Gardeners, use this online system to report your volunteer hours.

Put your plans, thoughts and results on paper to help ensure successful gardening.