What is 4-H?
4-H is all about kids! 4-H is kids making friends and lasting relationships. 4-H is kids working together creating blankets to give to the homeless and singing Christmas carols to shut ins. 4-H is kids learning to build robotics or bird houses. 4-H is learning photography or cake decorating. 4-H is working with an animal whether it is a steer, rabbit or dog. 4-H is fair time and the excitement of entering exhibits, interviewing with a judge and receiving fair ribbons. 4-H is holding an office and running a club meeting developing leadership skills. 4-H is kids giving demonstrations enhancing their public speaking skills. 4-H is summer camp filled with activities, nature, friends and fun and learning to get along. 4-H is smiles and laughter, encouraging and bonding with one another. 4-H is kids working with caring adults to learn life skills. 4-H is kids reaching out to others. 4-H is all of this and so much more. It is a community of youth and adults working together to make our world a better place. 4-H is our investment in the future. 4-H is what our kids and our world needs today!
The National 4-H Council states, ”In 4-H we believe in the power of young people. We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us. 4-H is America’s largest youth development organization, empowering nearly six million young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. 4-H is changing kids’ lives.”
Consider donating some time to the 4-H organization and help provide more kids the hands on experience, support and encouragement they need to thrive. Let’s watch our kids make the world a better place for all of us.
Cass County 4-H
About 4-H
4-H brings young people, ages 5 to 18, and adults together to learn everyday skills through hands-on learning. Working on activities from animal and plant sciences to robotics, 4-H’ers learn problem-solving skills that can make a positive impact upon our community. Through 4-H, young people learn to meet the diverse challenges of today’s world, build self-confidence, learn responsibility and make positive decisions.