As America’s largest youth development organization, 4-H offers youth, families, and adult volunteers of all ages many ways to engage, grow and serve through clubs, camps, contests, conferences, special interest groups, in-school and after-school programs, and more! It’s about young people making new friends and memories while preparing to be future leaders.

4-H has a diverse community of youth building life skills, contributing to their community and becoming college and career ready.

4-H Community Clubs offer long-term educational experiences in which members learn life skills such as decision making, public speaking and working with others. Members learn by doing under the guidance of adult volunteers who teach projects ranging from computers science and arts to animal science and healthy living. Clubs also involve youth in community service, camping, and educational trips.

SPecial INterest Clubs focus on a specific topic led by an adult and youth expert in the field. These clubs meet for a set period (e.g. weekly or bi-weekly for 6-8 weeks) and may elect officers and plan learning activities with options of public speaking, community service and links to career readiness.

4-H In-school and After-school Clubs provide extraordinary learning opportunities to school-age youth in urban, suburban and rural communities. 4-H In-school and After-school is designed to combine the resources of 4-H and the University of Missouri Extension system with schools and community-based organizations that provide after-school programs that address community needs.

4-H SNAC program provides youth ages 5-18 the opportunity to engage in healthy living advocacy, peer mentorship, and hands-on nutrition, cooking, physical activity, and leadership education in before, during and after-school programs. By forming a 4-H SNAC Club at your school, youth will gain skills in these areas to help them live healthier lives and receive assistance with the plan and implementation of an initiative to make changes in their own home, school, or larger community. These club projects can include, but are not limited to, proposed policy changes, such as snack guidelines in school; educational presentations for the community; or efforts to increase the availability of healthy items in a food pantry. Contact a 4-H Staff to inquire about how a 4-H SNAC program can be implemented in your learning environment.

There are several 4-H clubs in Clay County. For event dates/project meetings and more, check out our Clay Co 4-H Google Calendar or contact the Clay County Extension office.

For more information, contact:

Shianna Burgett (4-H Youth Development Specialist)
Delivery Mode: School Enrichment
Phone: 816-407-3490

Justin Strickland (4-H Youth Development Specialist)
Delivery Mode: In-school and After-school

Dylan Newman (4-H Youth Development Educator)
Delivery Mode: Community Clubs
Phone: 573-884-8508

Clay County 4-H Council Constitution & ByLaws (PDF)   Volunteer Resources

Clay County 4-H opportunities

If you are a first-time attendee for a club meeting, please contact the club leader to confirm the meeting date, time and location. Listed below are regularly scheduled times, but sometimes may vary based on club activities, weather, etc. Club leaders may close membership to new members at their own discretion if enrollment becomes too large.

4-Corners 4-H Club meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Sherwood Bible Church, 4900 N. Norton Ave, Kansas City, MO 64119. Club leaders: David and Jill Wiese, 816-454-1045,

4-H20 Excelsior Springs 4-H Club meets the second Tuesday each month at 6:30 pm at the Excelsior Springs Community Center, 500 Tiger Dr., Excelsior Springs, MO 64024. Club Leaders: Nicole Riegel,, Michelle McDade,, or find them on Facebook.

Kearney Klovers 4-H Club meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at the United Methodist Church, 1000 E St Hwy 92, Kearney, MO 64060. Club leaders: Misty Riley, Kristen and Chad Cooper 816-792-4646; Web page: Kearney Klovers 4-H

Lucky H.S. Clovers 4-H Club meets the second Monday of each month at 2:30 p.m. at the Liberty Baptist Church, 1000 Birmingham Rd., Liberty, MO. Club leader: Celia Farr, 816-781-5169,

Smithville 4-H Club meets the second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Grace Community Church, 1520 DD Hwy, Smithville, MO 64089. Club Leaders: Tabitha Jeter, 816-674-6093, and Laura Piland. Email is, or find them on Facebook.

Town and Country 4-H Club meets the fourth Tuesdays each month at 6:30 pm at Fairview Christian Church, 1800 NE 65th St., Kansas City, MO. Club Leaders: Jenny McGee, 816-785-1020 or or Alice Zvacek 816-769-0574 or

Adventure Club

We are working on expanding our After School Club program to other school districts, so if your school district has an After School program and would be interested in setting up a 4-H Club, please contact the 4-H Office at 816-407-3490. We would be happy to discuss the possibilities.

Horsemanship SPIN Club - In collaboration with Clay County 4-H and Woodson Hill Equestrian Center, youth grow horsemanship skills through a variety of clinic and workshop opportunities. Meets monthly. Contact Karen Holland at

Livestock SPIN Club - Focusing on all things livestock, youth explore their interest in animals and learn common animal care, showing techniques, and more. Contact 4-H Staff for more information.

Jr. Leaders SPIN Club - Offered in partnership with Platte and Jackson Counties, youth ages 13+ develop leadership skills, participate in service, learn about careers, and grow their social network. At least two overnight retreats are offered each year. Destination will change as we will rotate counties. Meets monthly. Contact 4-H Staff for more information.

To learn about the awards available, see the Clay County Awards List which includes eligibility and requirements as well as deadlines for each award.

Clay County Awards List (PDF)

Where to locate award applications?

Most forms can be accessed on the Clay County 4-H Google Drive.

If you do not find what you are looking for there, check the Missouri 4-H state website. If you still are not finding what you want – give us a call at the office at (816) 407-3490.

As a responsible 4-Her, I understand that projects led on a countywide basis are special opportunities to learn.

I understand and accept the special responsibilities relating to this countywide project group.

I understand that volunteer leaders set the schedule, and it is my responsibility to attend and participate if I have enrolled with them.

To enroll in countywide projects, I understand:

  • I must directly contact the project leader to get enrolled with them before project begins.
  • I must put the project code on my enrollment form.
  • I must be a member in good standing to participate in countywide projects, shows, or fair (attend majority of club and project meetings).

My responsibility as a member of a countywide project:

  • Attend a majority of project meetings; project leaders will not remind members, unless there is a change.
  • Contact volunteer leader directly if unable to participate or will miss a meeting.
  • Get my own supplies or reimburse project leader as arranged.
  • Work on projects at home; I realize that NOT all work will be done at project meetings.
  • Help set-up and/or clean-up after each meeting.
  • Give project reports at my club meetings.
  • Exhibit at the county fair in this project.

About 4-H

4-H brings young people, ages 5 to 18, and adults together to learn everyday skills through hands-on learning. Working on activities from animal and plant sciences to robotics, 4-H’ers learn problem-solving skills that can make a positive impact upon our community. Through 4-H, young people learn to meet the diverse challenges of today’s world, build self-confidence, learn responsibility and make positive decisions.

4-H clubs are open to ages 8 to 18. Clubs meet monthly for group activities and club business. Each club elects officers and has an approved adult leader who supervises club activities. Club members also enroll in projects in their areas of interest.

With projects on more than 75 topics, 4-H has something to interest every child. Here are just a few of the opportunities 4-H offers: geocaching, robotics, international exchanges, horsemanship, pets, starting a business, arts and crafts, raising animals, woodworking, photography and gardening.

Clover Kids introduces 5- to 7-year-olds to the 4-H experience. In Clover Kids, children learn how to get along with others, work in groups and explore their interests, while building self-confidence. Clover Kids do not enroll in projects or raise animals and do not participate in competitive events, contests or shows.

Joining 4-H is as easy as contacting your local extension office. A staff member will explain the enrollment process and membership dues. In addition to dues, some projects may require a small investment to get started, and there may be a fee for materials, trips or other activities.

Young people are welcome to join at any time. The 4-H program year runs from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. Certain activities may have participation deadlines.

Adult volunteers are essential to 4-H. Adult volunteers serve as club or project leaders, help with county or regional events, chair committees and organize fundraisers. You don't have to be a parent or grandparent of the 4-H member to get involved. All volunteers are screened for child abuse and neglect, as well criminal records, before they are accepted and each year thereafter. As a volunteer, University of Missouri Extension will provide you with training so you will be well-prepared and successful as an adult leader. The orientation includes information on 4-H history and the educational framework, the characteristics of age groups, character development and safety.


4-H Urban West newsletter

Keep up with 4-H Urban West for upcoming 4-H programs and events in Clay, Jackson and Platte counties.

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