The following publications might be of particular interest to people in Ripley County. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
How to Can Pickled Products
Have cucumbers, will pickle. Select the best ingredients and containers. Get crisp pickles. Process for the correct amount of time in a boiling-water or steam canner. Can sauerkraut or pickle various vegetables. Learn how in this University of Missouri Ex
Family Disaster Plan
Having a plan can help your family make it through any disaster with minimal stress. Creating a plan begins with a family meeting to discuss and decide how the family will respond to a disaster. Use this template to guide the process.
Resources for Your Flooded Home
Editor's note
How to Can Fresh Vegetables
Learn to safely can fresh vegetables in this research-based guide covering asparagus, beans, beets, carrots, corn, okra, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins and spinach. Recommended pressure canner process times are provided.
How to Freeze Fruits
How to Dehydrate Foods
Dehydrated foods are a sensible way for busy families to make healthy, portable snacks or store seasonal produce for use. You need to carefully follow directions for preparing and pretreating produce to maintain quality.
Safe Home Canning Basics
Safely preserve fresh fruits and vegetables — and meat, poultry, seafood, soups and sauces — by the proper canning method: boiling water, steam or pressure. Learn the basics in this guide.
How to Can Fresh Fruit
Did you know there's more than one way to can fresh fruit? Learn the options and what they mean for your final color and taste.
How to Can Sweet Spreads
Jelly, jam, preserves, conserves, marmalades and fruit butters are similar products. All are made from fruit, preserved by sugar and thickened or gelled to some extent.
How to Freeze Vegetables
From blanching, cooling and freezing to thawing and using, learn how to safely freeze vegetables — asparagus, beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, corn, herbs, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and more — in this MU Extension guide.
How to Can Fresh Tomato Products
Freezing Basics
Freezing is one of the easiest and quickest methods of food preservation. Most foods retain their natural color, flavor and texture better when frozen than when other methods of food preservation are used. Learn the basics in this MU Extension guide.
How to Freeze Meat, Poultry, Fish, Eggs and Dairy Products
Freezing is an excellent method of preserving animal products. Follow these basic guidelines for simple, effective and safe freezing of meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.
Introduction to Food Dehydration
Dehydration is one of the oldest methods of food preservation, though methods for drying food have become sophisticated over time. Learn the benefits and methods of dehydrating foods and how to select an electric dehydrator.
How to Use Dehydrated Foods
Missouri Master Gardener Program Policies and Procedures
Chapter 1 of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual
Welcome to the Missouri Master Gardener prog
Ripley County Courthouse
Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.
Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations. Select the “Download this publication” button.