The 12-week Essentials of Effective Supervision course provides a strong knowledge base for first-line supervisors, managers and team leaders. This series is designed to provide new supervisors, and those aspiring to become supervisors, with a unique blend of knowledge, skills and strategies in the areas needed to effectively and efficiently supervise others. Participants will immediately put their new skills into practice. The topics covered each week are core issues proven to be the keys for supervisory success. Supervisors at all levels need to handle these areas with confidence and authority to effectively deal with and manage the employees they supervise.  

  1. The Changing Role of the Frontline Supervisor – What happened to motivation and the “work ethic?” Don’t worry it’s still here! How to enrich jobs, deal with organizational change and how to manage employees through it for positive performance. A comparison of the traditional role to contemporary demands for supervising today’s worker.  
  2. Managing Diversity in the Workplace –Understanding the changes of the American workforce will provide awareness for increased communication and a more cohesive work team.  
  3. Leadership and Motivation – What is leadership vs. management? Review your leadership style and how to apply leadership in today’s workplace to increase and maintain employee motivation.  
  4. Legal Responsibilities of the Supervisor - State and federal laws pertaining to employment, sexual harassment, workers’ compensation, discrimination and the supervisor’s role in preventing adverse consequences.  
  5. Effective Communication –Learn how to communicate to build trust, teamwork, consensus and meet performance objectives. Self assessments will help you uncover your communication style and potential barriers your style may be creating.  
  6. Orienting & Onboarding New Employees – What to include in the orientation of new workers, how to structure OJT to achieve maximum results.  
  7. The Supervisors Role in Performance Appraisals – Gain specific steps and guidelines in developing and using job-related work performance objectives, standards and performance plans. Understand how you can positively impact your employee’s formal appraisals.  
  8. Dealing with Conflict & Disciplinary Procedures – Understand the positives and negatives of conflict, how to work effectively within both and steps to defuse. Uncover your personal conflict style. Also learn the keys to conducting proper discipline and documentation.  
  9. Planning for Results & Problem Solving – Establishing a vision, setting goals, overcoming obstacles, developing an action plan, controlling and evaluating.  
  10. Dealing with Stress, Time Management & Delegation - Learn how to manage interruptions, set clear goals, eliminate the 7 most deadly time-wasters and the cure to procrastination.  
  11. Safety and Security Issues - The supervisor’s responsibility in OSHA, record keeping, and safety and security issues for the new millennium; ergonomics and work place violence.  
  12. Creating High-Performance Teams – Identify strategies in teambuilding skills and maintaining effective team communications.  

***Please note: This program will skip Tuesday, March 18, 2025***  

Registration Fee: $1,299 per person 

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