COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will hold virtual training for commercial pesticide applicators interested in Category 1A Plant Agriculture recertification.
“This training is due to the high demand for follow-up recertification training,” said Samuel Polly, pesticide safety education program coordinator. “Previously, MU Extension could only offer in-person training, but applicator feedback and post-surveys indicated the need to reinstate virtual training, and we responded to meet this need.”
Virtual training is 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, March 3. Attendees will learn competency standards required for the commercial core and plant ag category, including professionalism, nozzle selection, personal protective equipment, compliance with the Endangered Species Act, laws and regulations, and pests in modern agronomy.
Commercial pesticide applicators are required to take this training to purchase and use pesticides under the Missouri Pesticide Use Act and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, which regulates the sale, use, distribution and registration of pesticides in the United States. Recertification training is required every three years to maintain a commercial license.
Deadline to sign up is Sunday, March 2. Register at
For technical questions, contact the MU Conference Office at or 573-882-9554. For regulatory questions, contact the Missouri Department of Agriculture Pesticide Program at 573-751-5504.