Professional background
Donna has been employed with the University of Missouri Extension and Engagementâ¿¿s Business and Community Program since 1995 (Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center since 2012 and Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Center for the prior 18 years).Currently employed as the program director of the Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center, Donna manages a $1+ million annual grant providing technical assistance and cost share grant funds to manufacturers to strengthen and solidify their competitive positions and prosper in the global marketplace by assessing, identifying, prioritizing, and funding opportunities for increased profits, jobs creation and long-term financial stability.
Areas of work
Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center (TAAC), a Department of Commerce Economic Development Agency grant-funded program, provides technical assistance and cost-share grant funding to manufacturers negatively impacted by import competition. By assessing, identifying, prioritizing and funding opportunities for increased profits, jobs creation and long-term financial stability, Mid-America TAAC helps manufacturers in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska strengthen and solidify their competitive position and prosper in the global marketplace.