Whitten Hall Room 108
506 Hitt Street
Professional background
H.C. Russell completed a B.S. degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Missouri in 1979. Since 1986, he has worked as an area credit manager with MFA Incorporated, a regional agricultural supply and marketing cooperative serving more than 45,000 farmers in Missouri and adjacent states. H.C. has previously chaired the former MU Extension State Council. He is a member of the Mizzou Alumni Association and serves on the Mizzou Legislative Network Committee. He represents MU Extension on the Intercampus Alumni and Extension Leadership Council and Mizzou's Our Time to Lead advancement campaign cabinet.
Areas of work
MU Extension Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET) representative, serving on the CARET National Executive Committee as one of three representatives from the north central region of the U.S.