Partnership to Enhance Innovation, Resilience and Agility in Missouri’s Manufacturers
Responding to Critical Needs for MO Manufacturers
The Partnership to Enhance Innovation, Resilience and Agility in Missouri's Manufacturers (Partnership) leverages the expertise of faculty and students on the four UM campuses to serve the state's manufacturers through education, topic-focused roundtable discussions, and company-specific projects. Missouri manufacturing struggled during the pandemic and continue to face pressing challenges with the supply chain, job recruitment and retention, the development of more efficient production processes, and more. The Partnership was created to address the needs of the more than 5,400 Missouri manufacturers – both urban and rural – by bringing UM resources to the manufacturing companies that need them.
Events and online courses
University of Missouri Extension has been awarded funding from the US Economic Development Administration for an 18-month statewide pilot project to take the resources of the UM System to the state's manufacturers. This Partnership uses Federal funds under award 05-79-06062 URI 115939 from the EDA Cares Act Recovery Assistance, U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, finding, conclusions and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the EDA Cares Act Recovery Assistance or the U.S. Department of Commerce