Building entrepreneurial ecosystems in Missouri

In an entrepreneurial ecosystem, community organizations, institutions (e.g., governments), and infrastructure support local entrepreneurship. The ecosystem shapes a community's level of ambition, innovation, and risk-taking acceptance, and it fosters entrepreneurship. Building an entrepreneurial ecosystem requires a community to think about the environment in which businesses operate, not about a specific business.

Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities conference logo

Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities aims to create, connect, and promote community economic revitalization through entrepreneurship as a driver for economic growth across communities in Missouri where entrepreneurs and innovators flourish and are celebrated. The event highlights best practices for fostering a culture of entrepreneurship. Breakout sessions are held in local businesses and venues, giving participants a unique way to learn and experience host communities.

Excelsior Springs, Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2025

Conference website

Stylized cheetah above the Missouri SBDC and University of Missouri Extension logos.

Missouri Small Business Insights Series — Cheetah Businesses

The Small Business Insight Series — Cheetah Businesses explores fast growing companies during the past business cycle. It includes insights into emerging industry trends such as how industries are adapting to survive and thrive and which small businesses may be poised for growth in the years to come.

The Missouri Small Business Development Centers funded this research so business counselors, their customers, and community leaders can benefit from timely information to help businesses and the economy rebound.

High-Growth Stage Two Missouri Businesses (PDF)

Metro and Nonmetro High-Growth Stage Two Missouri Business Trends (PDF)

Growth in Flexible Labor Firms (PDF)