The following publications cover topics related to Growing Agribusiness Sustainably. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel


Proper watering and fertilization are essential for producing tomatoes in a high tunnel. High tunnels keep out natural rainfall, so timely irrigation is necessary.

Yearling Beef Steer Feeding Planning Budget


Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for Missouri yearling beef steers bought in November and sold in April.

Farrow to Finish Swine Planning Budget


Use this swine enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for a Missouri farrow-to-finish operation that produces 22 pigs/sow/year and sells hogs at 280 pounds.

Hog Finishing Planning Budget


Use this swine enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for a Missouri hog finishing farm that buys 103 head of 40-pound pigs and sells 100 head of 280-pound hogs.

Feeder Pigs Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for a Missouri swine operation raising feeder pigs, producing 22 pigs/sow/year and selling pigs at 40 pounds.

Goat Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns when raising Missouri meat goats in a 50-doe, spring kidding herd.

Dairy (Confinement) Planning Budget


Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for a 150-cow confinement dairy (replacements raised on-farm) in Missouri and see input, feed and investment needs.

Sheep Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for raising Missouri sheep in a 50-ewe, spring-lambing flock and marketing lambs at 65 to 75 pounds.

Dairy (Grazing) Planning Budget


Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for a 150-cow rotational grazing dairy (replacements raised on-farm) in Missouri, and see input, feed and investment needs.

Dairy Heifer Planning Budget


Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for raising dairy heifers purchased at birth, bred and sold at 24 months in Missouri, and see input and feed needs.

Market Channels for Locally Raised Foods


Sell Missouri vegetables via CSAs; U-pick sales; on-farm, roadside, farmers markets; co-ops; wholesale auctions; restaurants, institutions, supermarkets.

Adding Value in Agriculture, Food and Forestry


See 7 ways to add value to farm commodities or products, and learn how to turn a value-added agriculture idea into a business that can increase farm income.

Short-Term Operating Plan for Farms and Ranches


Download a short-term operating plan workbook you can use to prepare your farm or ranch for operating if decision makers are unable to make short-term choices.

High Tunnel Melon and Watermelon Production


High tunnels are low-cost, passive, solar plant forcing structures that use no fossil fuels for heating or venting and provide many benefits to horticulture crop producers

Growing Asparagus in Missouri


Reviewed by David Trinklein
Horticulture Extension State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Dairy Grazing: Heifer Development


Heifers are the foundation of any dairy enterprise and directly affect future profitability. Learn how to manage a heifer development program to maintain a herd with farm-raised heifers and save the cost of buying replacement heifers in this guide.

Bluegill Sunfish Production in Missouri


Learn about opportunities in Missouri for producing bluegill (aka bream, brim or perch), a sunfish species popular as sport fish for anglers, for food markets and recreational pond and lake stocking in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Home Fruit Production: Peach and Nectarine Culture


Peach and nectarine trees require considerable care, so cultivars must be carefully selected. Get tips for growing these fruits — including how many trees to plant, how to train and prune them, and how much to water them — in this guide.

Home Fruit Production: Grape Culture


Grapes are sturdy plants that withstand drought and can succeed even in rocky, infertile soils. Grape vines can remain productive for 20 to 30 years. Learn how to landscape with grapes, from choosing cultivars to harvesting the fruit, in the University of

Pruning Raspberries, Blackberries and Gooseberries


Michele Warmund
Fruit State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Harnessing Social Media to Build Your Business


Find tips to make your own social media plan — everything from setting goals and choosing the right platforms to building an audience and planning content.

Starting and Operating a Farmers Market: Frequently Asked Questions


Learn what makes a farmers market successful and feasible. Get tips about how to start or improve a market to make local food available in your community.

Sampling Safely at Farmers Markets — Fact Sheet


Read this to understand sampling regulations at farmers markets. Learn how to establish and estimate costs for handwash stations and washing and sanitizing stations.

Selling Strategies for Local Food Producers


Learn how farms can market local food directly to consumers by building relationships with buyers, discovering customer needs, providing quality service.

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers


Check out this annual guide for a summary of currently suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control, and disease control measures for commercial growers.

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