4-H Crops Field Day
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Bradford Farm, Columbia, Mo.
- Event open to youth ages 11-18.
- Registration ($12) open in 4-H Online from May 11 to June 10. Late registration ($15) runs June 11 to June 18. No entries will be accepted after June 18, 2024.
- 4-H members and volunteers should enroll using their 4-H Online Profile.
- This event is open to non-4-H members. Those interested should create a participant profile in 4-H Online prior to registering for the event.
- Updated event guide coming soon!
Program objectives:
- Increase youth knowledge around common Missouri crops
- Raise awareness of careers in agronomy
- Foster a learning environment that creates wise consumers of agronomic knowledge and products
Outline of the event:
- Connect with MU Extension experts.
- Learn more about common Missouri crops.