April 11–16, 2025,
Arlington, VA

Have the opportunity to present your ideas and plans of action to various federal agencies and partners and visit congressional leaders on Capitol Hill through the pinnacle of 4-H Civic Engagement. Work alongside other National 4-H Conference delegates to develop recommendations for the 4-H Youth Development Program. The National 4-H Headquarters then shares the recommendations with the Secretary of Agriculture, National Extension Program Leaders, and others who determine 4-H programs. During this event, you will come together with other youth, volunteer leaders, and state and county Extension staff from across the United States, the U.S. Territories, and the Canadian Provinces.

Missouri 4-H sends up to three delegates and a chaperone to the National 4-H Conference each year. Because few Missouri 4-H members are chosen to experience this event, it is a great honor to be one of the delegates.

A thank you to our donors

When 4-H history was being made, Nellie Turner and her family were there. In 1927, Nellie attended the first National 4-H Conference — then called 4-H Club Camps — and took part in adopting the 4-H pledge and motto. Her son, Ed Turner, presided over the dedication ceremony of the National 4-H Center near Washington, D.C., in 1959. Ed's sister, Joan Hickman, was present at the dedication of the national center's courtyard statue. Ed Turner and Joan Hickman have both served on the Missouri 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees. The Turner National 4-H Conference Fund was established in 2011 and provides perpetual support of the Missouri Delegation each year.

Donna Martz was an avid supporter of the 4-H program. Donna served in many 4-H roles including 4-H club leader, project leader, chaperone, 4-H parent, and 4-H grandparent. After her passing in 2018, her family made the generous gift to the Missouri 4-H Foundation to honor her memory. Thanks to the Donna Martz Memorial 4-H Endowment Fund, Missouri 4-H is able to continually support three members in their journey to National 4-H Conference.

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  • Stimulate thought around current priorities/needs and move youth delegates to action in their local communities;
  • Reinforce the rich history of 4-H and its valuable tie to Cooperative Extension and the land-grant system;
  • Engage delegates with leaders from USDA, CSREES, the land-grant university system, as well as their local state and national partners;
  • Enlighten delegates to the valuable work and research coming out of land-grant universities;
  • Provide an opportunity for delegates to engage as citizens by meeting with their congressional representatives to discuss issues affecting their communities;
  • Enhance valuable 21st century leadership skills such as adaptability, team-building, and communications;
  • Gather feedback from our most important stakeholders — youth!


  1. 4-H members who are between 14 and 18 years old on Dec. 31 of that program year are eligible to apply. For example, to apply in 2024, a 4-H member would need to be between 14 and 18 on Dec. 31, 2023.
  2. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges representing the Missouri 4-H Foundation, Turner Family, and Missouri 4-H.
  3. Applications are due by Oct. 1, 2024. To apply please complete the following:
    1. Read the 2024–2025 National 4-H Conference Application Information document.
    2. Prepare you essay, video essay, and have your two letters of recommendation ready to upload.
    3. Submit applications to the state office through this online form.
    4. By Nov. 1, 2024, delegates should complete their enrollment in 4-H Online for the 2023–2024 4-H year.


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