The following publications cover topics related to Mizzou Repro — Reproductive Management of Beef Cattle. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

How to Use the Hair Shedding Scale


Hair shedding scores represent a visual appraisal of the extent an animal has shed their winter coat. This MU Extension guide is meant to provide further detail and guidance on hair shed scoring animals.

Hair Shedding Scores: A Tool to Select Heat Tolerant Cattle


Selecting cattle that can cope with heat stress is important for sustainable beef production. Learn about tools for breeding cattle adapted to heat stress and see a photographic guide to a hair-shedding scoring system in this MU Extension guide.

Adding Value to Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers Using Show-Me-Plus


This MU Extension guide serves as a resource for producers interested in participating in Show-Me-Plus, including information on the importance of genomic testing and its ability to identify genetic variability and ultimately potential for profitability.

Assisting the Beef Cow at Calving Time


Six to 10 percent of all calves born in beef cow herds in the U.S. die at or soon after birth. About half of those deaths are due to calving difficulty (dystocia). The purpose of this guide is to acquaint cattle producers with calving management principles that will help minimize calf loss in their herds.

Pelvic Measurements and Calving Difficulty


Although researchers agree that birth weight is the most important measurable trait affecting calving difficulty, there is evidence that the size and shape of the pelvis also affect a heifer’s ability to calve.

Whole System Management of Reproduction in Beef Cattle

Revised $45

By managing reproduction with a multiyear perspective and taking a whole system approach, beef cattle producers can manage both proactively and reactively to achieve profitable, sustainable reproductive outcomes. Learn more in this comprehensive manual.

Sexed Semen for Artificial Insemination: Recommendations and AI Approaches


Learn about using sexed semen in a planned mating of cattle and how it differs from conventional semen. Heat detection, fixed-time artificial insemination and split-time AI approaches are described in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Estrus Synchronization Recommendations for Artificial Insemination of Beef Cows


Learn about Select Synch, 7-Day CO-Synch + CIDR, 7 & 7 Synch, 5-Day CO-Synch + CIDR, PG 6-Day CIDR, and Bos indicus PG 5-Day CIDR estrus synchronization protocols for artificial insemination of beef cows in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Estrus Synchronization Recommendations for Natural Service Bull Breeding


Learn about simple synchronization protocols the can be used effectively with natural service bull breeding that capture some benefits of estrus synchronization without the need to adopt an artificial insemination program in this MU Extension guide.

Estrus Synchronization Recommendations for Artificial Insemination of Beef Heifers


Learn about recommended protocols for artificial insemination of beef heifers using 1-Shot PG, 7-Day CO-Synch + CIDR, 5-Day CO-Synch + CIDR, 14-Day CIDR-PG, and MGA-PG in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology of the Bull


Good reproductive performance of a bull is necessary to obtain a high percent calf crop when natural service is used for breeding. Gain a basic knowledge of the reproductive tract and an understanding of the bull’s reproductive system in this guide.

Beef Cow Nutrition Through the Year: Managing for Efficient Reproduction


Eric Bailey
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Cow-Calf Systems That Minimize Cow Depreciation Costs


Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Wesley Tucker
Field Specialist, Agricultural Business

Genevieve VanWye
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal Sciences

Understanding and Minimizing Pregnancy Loss in Cattle


Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Genevieve VanWye
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal Sciences

Screening Criteria for Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers


Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Erin Larimore
Senior Research Specialist, Animal Sciences

Genevieve VanWye
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal Sciences

Determining Reproductive Fertility in Herd Bulls


An important factor influencing the productivity of a beef cattle operation is the percentage of the calf crop weaned. This is determined by many factors, but certainly one is the number of cows bred during the breeding season.

Care and Maintenance of a Liquid Nitrogen Tank


Semen is a significant cost in a cattle artificial insemination program. Maintaining a liquid nitrogen tank’s integrity is key to protecting that investment. Learn how to properly care for and maintain a liquid nitrogen tank in this MU Extension guide.

Systems to Facilitate Multiple Services of Artificial Insemination in Beef Herds


Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Emily Smith
Graduate Research Assistant, Animal Sciences

Nutritional Management of Developing Heifers: Intensive Versus Extensive Systems


Eric Bailey
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Body Condition Scoring of Beef Cattle


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Jordan Thomas
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Eric Bailey
Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences

Production Records for Commercial Cow-Calf Operations


Learn what cow-calf production records are needed for making management decisions in a beef cattle operation, the basic metrics to consider monitoring, and how to interpret the results in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Inbreeding: Its Meaning, Uses and Effects on Farm Animals


Mating schemes of animals are classified as either inbreeding or outbreeding. Mating closely related animals is inbreeding. Outbreeding is mating less closely related animals, but people disagree about where to draw the line. Learn more in this guide.

Crossbreeding Systems for Small Herds of Beef Cattle


Crossbreeding in commercial beef cattle production improves efficiency through heterosis and breed complementation.

Guide to Estrus Synchronization Products


Several protocols and other resources allow beef producers to effectively synchronize estrus and ovulation in the herd. Read this guide for an overview of the function, handling considerations, and proper administration of estrus synchronization products.

Calving Season Considerations for Commercial Beef Cattle Operations


Managing when cows calve can have significant implications for the profitability of a cow-calf operation. Learn how to manage for a short, defined calving period and thus reduce costs and optimize productivity of the cow herd in this MU Extension guide.

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