Members will indicate their support of MOCAN’s vision, mission and guiding principles through a Member Agreement form.

Member roles and responsibilities:

  1. Participate at least three times a year with the winter/spring meeting designated as the annual business meeting.
  2. Endorse and promote policies and systems to improve overweight/obesity prevention and control as approved by the Steering Committee.
  3. Participate in council and work groups to promote and implement Missouri's statewide plan.
  4. Assist in identifying additional work groups, as needed, to accomplish the mission, vision, goals and future plans of MOCAN.

Member organizations will provide administrative support to the Steering Committee, Work Groups and MOCAN. Administrative support will include arrangements for meetings; taking minutes of meetings; distributing meeting agenda, minutes and handouts; and other support functions, as mutually agreed to. Support activities may be divided among member organizations.

See complete list of member organizations in the current Strategic Plan:

Link will be posted here when Strategic Plan updates are published.