The following publications cover topics related to NRCS + MU Grasslands Project. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Maximizing Summer Grazing: A Guide to Warm-Season Forage Management in Missouri
Warm-season grasses provide high-quality forage during the hot summer months. This guide offers key tips for Missouri livestock producers on managing warm-season grasses effectively.
Increasing Drought Resilience Through Conservation Practices: Opportunities With Federal Conservation Programs
Help your farming operation become more drought resilient by learning about conservation programs and practices and the answers to frequently asked questions.
Native Warm-Season Grass Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to plan costs and returns for establishing and managing native warm-season grass forages for hay and pasture on Missouri farms.
Native Warm-Season Grass Seed Production
Native warm-season grasses can be a valuable source of forage and wildlife benefits. They can also generate cash flow by harvesting and selling the seed produced. This guide discusses the practices used to harvest seed and the costs and returns of doing so.