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Cover of The Mental Aspects of Performance for Firefighters and Fire Officers (The M.A.P.), 2nd Edition Manual.Never before in the fire service have firefighters experienced such psychological and emotional wellness challenges as they do today. The time spent in fire departments is full of perceived and real ups, downs, successes, and failures. Coping with this over the long haul is critical for those who work in fire departments. This book helps firefighters and fire officers learn about specific keys to successful performance, goal setting, situation-evaluation training, mental discipline, sensory-enhancement education, and more. The M.A.P is full of information, skills, exercises, and tools designed to help develop and maintain the psychological and emotional muscles required to sustain long and successful careers. It is truly a guide for all firefighters and fire officers who are trying to be their absolute best.

Product specifications

ISBN: 978-0-87939-233-8

Pages: 143

Publication No. FR36599
Price $56