
Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)

Large trees

Tulip tree
Tulip tree flower

  • Maximum height
    100 feet
  • Relative growth rate
  • Freedom from insect pests
  • Freedom from disease problems
  • Resistance to storm damage
  • Will grow on poorly drained soil
  • Will grow in hot, dry areas
    Very poor
  • Easy to transplant
  • Withstands city conditions

Tulip tree needs a deep, fertile soil to develop properly. It is often difficult to establish, but once established it will grow rapidly and develop into a large tree. It is much too large for the average-sized yard and should be planted only where it has ample growing space.

The light green tulip-shaped flowers are produced in May. After the fruit breaks open in the fall to release its seed, a tulip-shaped portion of the fruit remains on the tree to add interest during the winter. Tulip tree has few serious insect of disease problems. However, the leaves may turn yellow and drop during hot, dry periods of midsummer.