Most turf grasses perform best in the sun. Some cultivars of cool-season grasses such as fescues, ryegrass, and bluegrass have been selected for their tolerance to shady conditions. See G6725, Grasses in Shade, for a listing of shade tolerant turf varieties as well as suggestions for improving turf growth in the shade. Several ornamental grasses and grass-like plants perform well in the shade.
Bottlebrush grass (Hystrix patula)
- Shade tolerance
Light to medium - Size
1 to 2 feet tall - Green flower spikes resembling bottlebrushes rise 1 to 2 feet above the foliage in summer. Flowers turn brown by late summer, and shatter by late fall. Native woodland plant.
Hakonegrass (Hakenochloa macra)
- Shade tolerance
Light to medium - Size
1 to 2 feet tall - Horizontal weeping foliage is similar to bamboo. 'Aureola' has yellow foliage streaked with green. Prefers moist soil, but not wet clay.
Maiden grass, Silver grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Gracillimus')
- Shade tolerance
Light - Size
4 to 6 feet tall - Surprisingly tolerant of shade. Variegated cultivars such as porcupine grass, zebra grass, 'Variegatus' and 'Morning Light' are best with morning sun and afternoon shade.
Sedge (Carex sp.)
- Shade tolerance
Light to medium - Size
6 inches to 2 feet tall - Clump forming grass-like plants that grow best in wet soils in the shade. Foliage color ranges from medium green to blue green, yellow, brown, or nearly black.
Soft rush (Juncus effusus)
- Shade tolerance
Light to medium - Size
1-1/2 to 2-1/2 feet tall - Clumps of medium green grass-like foliage with tan flowers near the ends of stems. Prefers wet, boggy soils.
Tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa)
- Shade tolerance
Light to medium - Size
1 to 3 feet tall - A cool-season clumping grass. Panicles of light green flowers create almost veil-like appearance. Prefers moist soil.
Woodrush (Luzula sp.)
- Shade tolerance
Light to medium - Size
6 to 12 inches tall - Clumps of gray-green to medium green foliage covered by downy hairs. Flowers are white to tan. Prefers moist conditions.