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To have your soil analyzed by the MU Extension Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory, follow the guidelines and instructions for major crops, crop codes, and common yield goals.
- Alfalfa
- Barley
- Bermudagrass
- Birdsfoot trefoil
- Bluegrass
- Buckwheat
- Clover
- Cool-season grass
- Corn
- Cotton
- Double crop
- Establishment
- Forages
- Grass
- Hay
- Idle
- Lespedeza
- Oats
- Overseeding legumes
- Pasture
- Pasture residue
- Popcorn
- Rice
- Row crops
- Rye
- Seed
- Small grains
- Sorghum
- Southern peas
- Soybean
- Soybeans
- Sudangrass
- Sunflower double crop
- Sunflowers
- Surgarbeets
- Tobacco
- Warm-season grass
- Watermelon
- Wheat
- Wildlife food plot
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