Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available from Purdue University. Go to Purdue University's website to order a printed copy or download a free PDF.

Revised annually, this guide provides pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, West Virginia and Wisconsin. These recommendations have been formulated to provide up-to-date information on pesticides and their application. This publication replaces two previous annual publications: The Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide (MP651) and The Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (MX377).
Missouri law requires all commercial and private chemical applicators to attend training programs, which MU Extension offers. Visit the MU Pesticide Applicator Training website for details.
- Apple
- Pear
- Cherry
- Peach
- Plum
- Special Problems and Pests of Stone Fruit
- Grape
- Blueberry
- Raspberry and Blackberry
- Strawberry
- Vole Control
- Fungicide PHIs and REIs
- Insecticide and Miticide PHIs and REIs
- Growth Regulator PHIs and REIs
- Chemical Weed Control in Fruit Crops
- Generic Pesticides
- Generic Herbicides
- Suggested Recordkeeping Form for Restricted Use Pesticide
- Fruit Grower Newsletters
- Pesticide Drift Communication Tools
- Using a Plant Diagnostic Lab
- Pesticide Applicator Safety Education Programs
- Pesticide Emergency and Poison Control Centers
- Conversion Factors for Weights and Measures
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