
Reviewed by Zhiqiang Hu
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Nomenclature and conversion factors
  • acre (ac) = 43,560 square feet
  • acre-inch (ac. in.) = one inch depth over one acre (27,154 gallons)
  • acre-foot (ac. ft.) = one foot depth over one acre (43,560 cubic feet)
  • acre-foot of soil = 1,600 to 2,000 tons
  • cubic foot (cu. ft.) = 7.48 gallons = 62.4 pounds of biosolids
  • cubic yard (cu. yd.) = 27 cubic feet = 1,685 pounds of biosolids
  • gallon (gal) = 8.34 pounds of biosolids
  • hectare (ha) = 2.47 acres
  • kilogram (kg) = 1,000 grams
  • kilograms per hectare (kg/ha)
  • milligram (mg) = 0.001 grams
  • microgram (??g) = 0.000001 gram
  • metric ton (mt) = 2,204.6 pounds
  • milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) = parts per million (ppm). A measurement by weight that can be expressed either as a wet weight or dry weight basis.
  • micrograms per kilogram (??g/kg) = parts per billion (ppb)
  • nanograms per kilogram (ng/kg) = parts per trillion (ppt)
  • one pound = 454 grams
  • ppm (dry weight) in soil x 2 = pounds per acre for six inch soil depth
  • kg/ha x 0.8907 = pounds per acre
  • pounds per dry ton x 0.04167 x percent total solids = pounds per 1,000 gal
  • mg/kg dry weight x 0.002 = pounds per dry ton
  • mg/kg dry weight x 0.0000833 x percent total solids = pounds per 1,000 gal
  • mg/kg dry weight x percent total solids ÷ 100 = milligrams per kilogram wet weight
  • mg/kg wet weight x 100 ÷ percent total solids = milligrams per kilogram dry weight
  • dry tons x 24,000 ÷ percent total solids = gallons
  • dry tons x 100 ÷ percent total solids = wet tons
  • dry tons x 118.7 ÷ percent total solids = cubic yards