Coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria species, is a parasitic disease that primarily affects young lambs and kids, making them highly susceptible to diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, weakness, and even death. This disease presents a significant economic challenge to small ruminant producers due to high veterinary costs and increased mortality rates. 

This educational event will provide sheep and goat producers with essential knowledge on how to identify, prevent, and effectively manage coccidiosis, helping them safeguard their flocks and improve overall herd health  

Guest Speaker: Dr. Berit Bangoura DVM  (College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia)  

Host/Facilitator: David Brown, Ph.D. (MU Small Ruminant Specialist)    

There is no fee however registration is required 

For more information on registration, please call MU Extension St. Clair County 417-646-2419 or email David Brown: