The following publications cover topics related to Drought Resources. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Increasing Drought Resilience Through Conservation Practices: Opportunities With Federal Conservation Programs
Help your farming operation become more drought resilient by learning about conservation programs and practices and the answers to frequently asked questions.
Home Lawn Watering Guide
To avoid severe loss of turfgrass and to conserve water, homeowners should manage their lawns each year in anticipation of water restrictions. This guide describes that will reduce the need for irrigation while improving the competitiveness and appearance of your lawn.
Strip-Grazing Milo as a Low-Cost Winter Forage
Explore an affordable solution for winter cattle feed by strip-grazing standing milo. This guide discusses milo production, nutritional value and the details of managing cattle while using this low-cost feed.
Hurry Up and Wait: Replanting Decisions for Pastures During Drought
Drought typically causes Missouri cattlemen to be concerned about their pastures. These concerns can turn to thoughts of replanting, but such plans may be premature.
Natural Lawn Care
Managing Missouri Fish Ponds During an Extended Drought
This aquaculture and fisheries guide is one in a series being developed jointly by MU Extension and Lincoln University.
Pricing Corn Silage
Learn how to price corn silage whether it's in the field or delivered to storage or the feed bunk, and see how drought can damage a corn silage crop.
Drought-Related Issues in Forage, Silage and Baleage
Get answers to questions about how to feed livestock during drought. Read about nitrate toxicity, corn silage and baleage, forage grazing and feeding hay.
Safe Drinking Water in an Emergency
You and your family can survive for several days without food, but only a short time without water. Disasters can often cause us to question the safety of our drinking water. With a little planning and preparation, you can be prepared by having a safe emergency water supply.
Weather-Related Sales of Livestock
Find out whether federal tax law allows farms to defer income earned after selling animals because of drought, flood or related weather conditions.
Energy Efficiency and Farm Water Systems
Farm water systems are often neglected when it comes to energy efficiency. Although the savings to be realized may not be as great as perhaps energy-efficient lighting, the return can be fairly short for some energy-saving investments. This guide presents some general guidelines regarding farm water systems.
Water-Efficient Gardening and Landscaping
Editor's note
Since this guide was printed and last reviewed, a note alerting readers to the invasive nature of amur honeysuckle has been added to this page.
Smooth Bromegrass
Smooth bromegrass makes for excellent quality hay. Visit our website today to learn more about smooth bromegrass.
Orchardgrass is a productive cool-season grass that responds to good fertility and management practices by producing up to 4 tons of high quality forage per acre. Learn how to establish and manage a stand of orchardgrass in this MU Extension guide.
Making and Storing Quality Hay
Properly making and storing hay and greatly reduce dry matter loses. Visit our site to learn about Making and Storing Quality Hay.