The Steering Committee is comprised of two members from each of the Work Groups, and up to six at-large members as may be identified and elected by members of MOCAN. The Steering Committee should be prepared to support the decisions of the group. While action may not be required, the Steering Committee members will not deny or speak against decisions from this group. If there is a conflict by a member with any issue being discussed, he or she may excuse him/herself from voting on that issue.
The elected officers will serve as the executive committee between meetings. Elected offices of the Steering Committee include:
- Chairperson
- Vice-Chairperson
- Secretary/Treasurer, as needed
Roles and responsibilities
In addition to general membership roles and responsibilities, Steering Committee members:
- Serve on a two-year renewable term (rotating term).
- Submit a slate of Steering Committee members to the MOCAN membership at the business meeting for the coming year. Nominations will be allowed from the floor, and voting will be conducted by ballot.
- Approve major policy or funding issues brought forth by the membership.
- Approve the annual work plan and budget (as applicable).
- Approve or reject changes to the operating principles as recommended by the membership or Steering Committee.
- Elect Steering Committee officers: one Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson, one Secretary/Treasurer.
- Recommend guidelines and governance for MOCAN.
- Review/recommend funding issues/decisions affecting MOCAN.
- Act on behalf of MOCAN between large group meetings. In situations where a decision is needed so quickly that a polling of the membership is not possible, the Steering Committee will make the decision. The Steering Committee will make the decision by consensus or by a majority vote. Decisions made on behalf of MOCAN will be shared with the membership.
- Promote the Plan as the foundation of the work of MOCAN.
- Review and accept/reject/terminate membership to MOCAN and identify gaps.
- Assist Work Groups to set priorities for annual MOCAN activities, as needed.
- Coordinate an annual evaluation of MOCAN activities.
- Develop an annual budget for MOCAN, as indicated.
- Assist with and communicate funding opportunities to MOCAN members.
- Meet at least once quarterly, in person or via phone conference. Members who miss two consecutive meetings without notification will be considered as resigning from the Steering Committee.
- Identify and facilitate opportunities for collaboration across health promotion and chronic disease initiatives, other coalitions and MOCAN, e.g., matters concerning policy issues, communications and funding.
- Coordinate MOCAN meetings and professional development programs.
- Provide ongoing communication to the MOCAN membership.
- Review the Operating Principles at least annually.