Horticulture and gardening : publication
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Caterpillars are some of the most easily observed insects in backyards and gardens. Learn to identify them so you will know what type of butterflies or moths they will turn into.
A community garden means many things to many people. Community gardens also take many shapes and forms. Regardless of why people choose to take part in a community garden or how a garden is organized, the activity of gardening with others can be both rewarding and challenging.
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Three species of voles occur in the state: the pine or woodland vole (Microtus pinetorum), the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) and the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogatser). Voles are small, weighing 1 to 2 ounces as adults.
Learn how to make a butterfly garden, get some fun facts and tips about butterflies, and see two example butterfly gardens in this colorful two-page guide.
See the steps and examples you can follow to develop enterprise budgets, create a cashflow plan and estimate economic indicators for agroforestry practices.
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Flowering perennials persist from year to year and are suitable in a flower border shared with annual plants or grouped in special plantings. Learn about some major perennials and their important characteristics and cultural preferences in this guide.
Find government and private funding programs to finance practices such as alley cropping, windbreaks, riparian buffers, silvopasture and forest farming.
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Patrick Byers
Regional horticulture specialist
Editor's noteThis page currently contains only the introductory section of this guide. For the entire text, please download the PDF.Ron Revord, Michael Gold, Nicholas Meier, Bryan Webber, Ken Hunt and Michele Warmund
Cultivating shiitake mushrooms represents an opportunity to utilize healthy low-grade and small-diameter trees thinned from woodlots as well as healthy branch-wood cut from the tops of harvested saw-timber trees. When the mushrooms are collected and marketed, the result is a relatively short-term…
Sunflowers are an easy, fast growing flower that can add much fun to the garden. Learn about common varieties and how to grow them in this one-page guide.
Learn about five types of composting and how to build a composting bin. Worm and hemp composting, wire-mesh and snow-fence holding units, and wood and wire three-bin turning units are all covered in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
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This publication is designed to be a useful reference for diagnosticians, turfgrass managers, industry representatives and others who want to learn how to diagnose and manage common turfgrass diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi.
Editor's noteThe following abstract describes a publication that is available only as a downloadable PDF.
Editor's noteThe following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.
Making seed tapes is a great winter activity that makes for quick planting during gardening season. Learn how in this one-page guide.
This fisheries and aquaculture guide is one in a series being developed jointly by MU Extension and Lincoln University.
Charles E. Hicks
Aquaculture Specialist
Lincoln University
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Chapter 1 of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual
Chain saws are relatively common and may seem simple to operate. But felling trees and clearing brush with a chain saw are operations that require training and proper safety precautions.
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To understand why plants respond as they do to natural influences, gardeners must understand their structure and how they grow. Visit our site to learn more.
Kevin W. Bradley
State Extension Weed Scientist
Division of Plant Sciences
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Editor’s noteThis publication is a fillable PDF. Select the “Download this publication” button and save the form to your computer. Then either fill it in using Acrobat Reader and print it to send with your samples, or print it and fill it in by hand.
Missouri homeowners and small-business owners can have the soil in their vegetable garden, flower garden or lawn analyzed by the MU Soil and Plant Testing Lab using this form. Be sure to mention specific crops being grown, if applicable.
Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, air and water. Visit our site to learn about Soils, Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Management.
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Grow new plants with cuttings from existing ones. Learn how to take a cutting and create an environment in which it can develop roots in this 2-page guide.
Learn how to plant and harvest easy-to-grow flowers and how to arrange them in a vase in this colorful two-page guide.
Reviewed by Robert A. Pierce IIExtension Fisheries and Wildlife SpecialistReviewed by David BruneProfessor, Plant Sciences and TechnologyL. SwannIllinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, Purdue University
Only a small number of insects may, at some time, become a potential problem in turfgrass. Turfgrass insects can be somewhat cyclical and very dependent on a number of factors. Weather, suitable food sources, desirable habitat and predators all play a part in the population size of particular…
Lewis W. Jett
Department of Horticulture
Timothy P. Baker
Regional Horticulture Specialist
Dunklin County
Barbara Corwin
Department of Plant Pathology
Winter sowing is a method of starting seeds in late winter for spring transplanting. Learn what plants you can winter sow and how in this one-page guide.
If your home is like most, it is surrounded by lawns, gardens, shrubs and trees that require regular maintenance. This chapter examines the potential impact of yard and garden care on the environment and your health.
Assess your yard and garden care with the help of this work sheet.