The following publications cover topics related to Pasture-Based Dairy. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Dairy Heifer Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for raising dairy heifers purchased at birth, bred and sold at 24 months in Missouri, and see input and feed needs.
Dairy (Confinement) Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for a 150-cow confinement dairy (replacements raised on-farm) in Missouri and see input, feed and investment needs.
Dairy (Grazing) Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for a 150-cow rotational grazing dairy (replacements raised on-farm) in Missouri, and see input, feed and investment needs.
Strip-Grazing Milo as a Low-Cost Winter Forage
Explore an affordable solution for winter cattle feed by strip-grazing standing milo. This guide discusses milo production, nutritional value and the details of managing cattle while using this low-cost feed.
Dairy Grazing: Genetics of the Grazing Cow
Dairy grazing publication series
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.
Forage Crop Irrigation Systems and Economics
Before choosing a forage irrigation system to mitigate drought risk, explore expected forage response to irrigation, equipment options and the economics.
Dairy Grazing: Growth of Pasture Plants
Dairy grazing publication series
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.
Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage
Dairy grazing publication series
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.
Dairy Grazing: Heifer Development
Heifers are the foundation of any dairy enterprise and directly affect future profitability. Learn how to manage a heifer development program to maintain a herd with farm-raised heifers and save the cost of buying replacement heifers in this guide.
Starting a 600-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine financial feasibility of starting a 600-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions, budget and income and cash flow statements.
Starting a 300-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine costs and returns for starting a 300-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions and financial statements.
Dairy Grazing: Economics of Pasture-Based Dairies
Keeping records and tracking cost and production benchmarks can help you gauge a grazing dairy's financial performance. Read about pasture dairy performance indicators in this MU Extension guide.
Starting a 150-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine costs and returns for starting a 150-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions and financial statements.
Converting an Existing Dairy to a 75-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine financial feasibility of converting a conventional Missouri dairy into a 75-cow intensive rotational grazing dairy using the income and cash flow statements and budget.
Starting a 75-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine financial feasibility of converting a conventional Missouri dairy into a 75-cow intensive rotational grazing dairy using the income and cash flow statements and budget.
Dairy Grazing: Dairy Career Paths
Discover how to move toward owning or partnering in a grazing dairy by working as an employee, managing a farm, contract milking or sharemilking.
Dairy Grazing: Keys to Building a Profitable Pasture-Based Dairy
Discover four characteristics of profitable pasture-based dairies: system design, focused investments, cost control and careful approach to financial leverage.
Dairy Grazing: Managing Pasture for Yield, Quality, Persistence and Intake
Dairy grazing publication series
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.
Dairy Grazing: Fence and Water Systems
This publication describes various fence and water systems appropriate for dairy grazing management.
Dairy Grazing: Pasture Establishment
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.
Dairy Grazing: Reproduction
Dairy producers, learn about the cow’s reproductive structure and its more critical hormones, plus various ways to get cows and heifers pregnant in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Dairy Grazing: Philosophy of Pasture-Based Dairying
Dairy grazing publication series
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.